Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Mother's Heart

Just a poem that I have had on my heart, hope you all enjoy!

A Mother's Heart

A mother's heart
Breaks when her baby cries
Rejoices when she sees her baby succeed

A mother's heart
Feels the pain of her child
Would take the pain of her child

A mother's heart
Walks outside herself
For the rest of her life

A mother's heart
Is in protection mode
Whenever as she watches her baby
Go out into this big scary world

A mother's heart
Is no longer hers
When her baby is born

A mother's heart
Will forever and always
Be filled with love, tears, and hopes!

My heart never knew such love, joy, sadness, and pain until I had Kaizer, 5 years ago. I have watched my baby fight through so much and I have cried many tears over my son, sad tears and joyful tears! He is my bright and shinning star! I am blessed beyond words that God gave me my mother's heart, and I will always and forever, remember that first kick, that first cry, and most of all the first time I saw my baby!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I was driving home yesterday and I was rocking out to KLOVE, that only station ever played in my car and this song, "Beautiful" by MercyMe came on the radio! I had never heard it before and the first lyric just caught me! The lyrics just spoke so much to me and it was all I could do to hold it together!

Beautiful by MercyMe

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart, they would see too much

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, and You are His
You're beautiful

And praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you held inside you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, and You are His
You're beautiful

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skys above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to death

You're beautiful
You're beautiful in His eyes

You're beautiful
You were meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are scared, and You are His.

There are so many times in my life, I have felt beat down and just not worth anything to anyone, but there was always one, who was holding my hand and pulling me through, screaming, You are Beautiful, You are Mine! Praise the Lord, I am a child of the King! Even when I don't feel top great about myself and I am just beating myself up, there is the Great and Mighty Lord, telling me I am beautiful!
When I was younger, I was having a hard time accepting where I was in my life and I was doing some pretty horrible things. I was drinking everyday and doing some other things, that I am not very proud of, Satan has used that time in my life to really just beat me down. He uses the way I use to be to keep me from moving forward in my walk with the Lord. Satan tells me the God could never love someone who had the life I once had and did the things I once did. I have believed that lie from Satan more than once and it sucks. The song says, that God loved before I ever took a breath, not just loved me, but madly loved me! If God can love me even after the life I once lived, He is one amazing man! There are times, I don't even love me after the life I lived, but God is there to pick my head up and tell me, I treasure you, you are sacred, and you are more than all of that!
I am more than that life I once lived, I am more than the lies that Satan tells me to keep me down. I am treasured and I am His! I can't tell you how much that blesses me! No matter what Satan throws at you, always remember You are His, You are treasured, You are sacred, and You are so much more than all of that!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hosea 13:6

"When I fed them, they were satisfied; when the were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me." Hosea 13:6(NIV)
Such a powerful verse! Have you ever been so hungry for the Lord, you just couldn't get enough of Him? Have you ever just wanted more and more of Him until you thought you could burst? Last night at bible study this scripture started the talk for us, and since then, this scripture has stuck with me! Kristin posed the question to us, when we think about our heaven, does it include everyone we love and all the things we enjoy? Does this heaven also have Jesus in it? Would it be the perfect heaven if Jesus wasn't there? Just think about that a minute. I had never thought about something like that before, is Jesus there or not there? I had always just assumed that of course Jesus would be there, but as the question was raised, my thoughts just got so jumbled up with the people in my life I love the most, the ones here and the ones who have gone on before. Of course I want my family to be there and to be able to spend forever with them where there is no sickness or pain, just happy, healthy people. But then of course, did I ever see Jesus in my heaven, like I said I had assumed always He would just be there. As I sat and really thought about my Heaven after bible study last night, it really hit me hard. It can't be Heaven with my Lord there for me to worship and spend my days with! Yes I want my family and friends there, but more than anything else, I want my Jesus to be there!
The scripture above hit me with such conviction, that I just couldn't believe it. Do we get so full on God and become so proud with Him, that we don't turn to him like we should? Do we always keep that first in love feeling with him? Another question posed by Kristin! When we first get saved, we are so on fire for Christ that nothing could stop us, but over time, the fire begins to burn out and then we are just get satisfied with Christ. We should always keep that first in love feeling with Him, He desires that from us! I can remember when I first got saved and all I wanted to do was be at church, but slowly that all changed. It didn't matter to me if I missed church or even if I picked up my bible, we should never get like that! I had gotten full and satisfied with the Lord, I had gotten proud, and I had forgotten all the good He has done for me! It took me many years to find my way back to that all consuming fire and passion to know more about my Lord and to worship Him the way I should! I hope and pray to never become so proud and satisfied again!