Saturday, March 5, 2011

What a LONG Week...

This past week in the Brockman household was very long for us. What started out as a good week quickly turned sour for us. I never realized how much being at the ER can take so much out of a person until this past week, trust me I don't want to relive a week like this! I wouldn't wish a week like this on anyone!

Monday night while I was at the Women's Bible study, Tim had texted and called. I was gone for about 30 minutes and Kaizer had thrown up 5 times in less than 30 minutes, it could have been more, but who keeps count of such things. I called Tim as I was leaving bible study, have Kaizer ready we are going to the ER. So I get home and down comes my sweet boy carrying his Thomas the Tank Engine trashcan and Tim. We get to the ER and they test him for strep and flu. Both test came back negative, thank God, but that didn't answer the question as to what is wrong with him. The doc came in, took 1 look at Kaizer, and told us he had a stomach virus. This was just from looking at him, no test run, no nothing, just a look. I didn't agree, but doc knows best, right...wrong. We spent 3 hours at the ER for that, I took the doc for his word, finding it hard to believe that that was all it was.
Tuesday I didn't send him to school, partly because he had spent 3 hours in the ER the night before, but also because he had developed a high fever. His fever stayed between 100 and 103 for over 24 hours for the next 2 days. We were doing the tylenol, motrin thing, cool baths, washcloths, trying to make sure he got enough to drink, the whole bit, but nothing could make his fever break. So Wednesday afternoon, back to the ER we go! This time we weren't going without test being run and a true diagnosis of what was going on.
We get to the ER and his fever is 101 almost 102. The same doc comes in and looks at my very pale, very sick little man and says oh he looks good. I told him that no he didn't look good, he was so pale and his eyes were so red. He was not up being his normal busy self, this was not what a good looking kid looked like. The doc decided to do X-rays on his lungs and head, blood work, pee in a cup, strep test, and flu test again. We go to X-ray and get those done, it took most of his energy to stand up to get them done. We get back to Bay 1, his room and the nurse comes in to do the swab test and blood work. He didn't want any of it done, he wanted to go home and watch Disney! It took 3 of us to hold him down for the blood work and swab tests, needless to say while he was crying, I was crying too. It took him a while to pee in the cup, but he finally did, just enough for them to get what they needed! They took a little more blood than the doc asked for, but that was so they wouldn't have to restick him. After the blood work was done and all the test, we waited. Kaizer fell asleep and I know he was wore out. It was all he could do to hold his little head up. The doc finally came in and told me that the swab test were negative, the blood work looked good as did the pee. The X-rays were not so great. Kaizer has sinusitis, hints why he has been so stuffy all week, and his lungs showed a massive viral infection, hints the cough and fever he has. He prescribed him Augmentin, making his 12th drug to take everyday for the next 10 days, then we drop back down to 11!
I had to wait til Thursday to pick up his medicine since Walmart didn't have it on Wed when I dropped off the prescription. I decided on Thursday that Kaizer could use some fresh air, we took him out for about a hour on Thursday night. He ate good and he really seemed to be okay. His fever had broke around 11:00am Thursday morning and he was feeling good. It did him some good to be outside. Friday morning, he went to school, for the first time since Monday! I was just hopeful he would be able to make it all day! He did make it all day! I even went to lunch with him!
After school, we took him prebowling, and even after the week he had, he still bowled a 44! That is pretty great for a little guy who has been sick all week! We went grocery shopping and really enjoyed the day! After dinner, we made a run to Baskin Robbins and then to Kroger! Of course at Kroger, Kaizer wanted the car cart, so of course we gave in! You know when your child is tired, when he falls asleep in the car cart! He got very quiet in the store and I really didn't think much of it, just as long as he stayed in the cart, Tim took 1 look at him and he was asleep! Too bad I didn't have my camera!
Needless to say after 2 3-hour trips to the ER, we have had a longer week than we wanted. I never want to relive again. The weekend has been on upswing for us and I am hopeing we stay on the upswing! Just say a prayer for us that all the sickness stays away from us!