Saturday, June 25, 2011

John 11:4

John 11:4

"When he heard this, Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death.

No, it is for God's glory so that God's son may be glorified through it."

This verse has been with me for the last couple of days and I praise God for it! This week we had to take Kaizer to the stomach doc in Louisville, which is always stressful to me, when we take him I know 1 of 2 things will happen, more medicine or a hospital visit. This week we escaped the hospital visit, but we did get more medicine, which the insurance company is not wanting to pay for! Yes we could pay it out of pocket, but I can't afford $276 for a 30-day supply of one medicine! Who can! I have been praying/ begging/ crying out to God for the last 2 years for a healing on my child, just to make him whole! As of right now, God hasn't healed him and hasn't made him whole, but I know that God has a mighty plan for my little guy! As I was reading this week in my Experiencing God book, this verse was brought up on 2 separate days and it just really struck me, this is my sign from God! I have never thought that these medical conditions for Kaizer would kill him, but to have the blessed reassurance that God has already taken care of Kaizer's healing in HIS way, not mine, that Jesus will get glorified through this journey with Kaizer, is more than enough of a healing for me!

Kaizer has a healing that you and I can't understand! His healing is having to live with 11 meds a day, knowing his body doesn't work like everyone elses, and being okay with that! How many of us could say we are okay with that, everyday of our lives? At 26, I know I couldn't, but to be 6 and never question a new medicine or ask why do I have to take this many medicines in a day, then he is okay with being just how God made him! God has a mighty plan for this boy, part of this plan included all the medical needs he has! This journey that God intended for him also includes being SAVED at 6! He totally understands what this means and why it is so important for him to make this choice! I am one proud momma!

What a mighty testimony this young child of mine will have in 10 years when someone else at 4, 5, or 6 years of age is living the same life and feels like God has left his side! There will be Kaizer telling his story and sharing God's love with this young child! Kaizer has never questioned why God would give him a belly that doesn't work or lungs that don't get as much air as they should or a heart that doesn't pump right, for him, he is healed in God's eyes and that is what matters! No this illness won't end in death, for Jesus will be glorified through Kaizer's story!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pushing Through...

As I was out walking today, there were so many new things I noticed! I use to walk everyday, 2 miles a day and now I am lucky to go out walking once a month, pretty pathetic I know, but I am going to get back into it! Walking use to be my one stress reliever that was actually really good for me, my mind, and my soul, the one thing no one could take away from me. I took it away from myself and have no clue why. But anyway, back to my subject! Walking today really opened my eyes to so many of the small things in life, that can relate to the big things in so many other parts of life!
Walking today, I noticed plants coming up through the blacktop and pavement in so many places. Yes I had seen this a thousand times before, but never thought much about it, til now! That little plant is so rooted into that ground, that no matter the barrier in the way, blacktop or pavement, it is going to push through to get to the sunlight and rain it needs to survive. That little plant continue to push through, even when the journey ahead may seem impossible, it just keeps pushing. We have all pulled weeds and plants before and we know how easy they break off in our hands, We have all walked on pavement, we know how hard it is to break or even chip, but this little plant pushes through inches of pavement to see the sunlight and get the rain it needs to survive.
We as Christians should have such a want and desire for God that we push through any storm or situation to see God in all His glory. We are all rooted in God when we become Christians, that no matter how big that storm is that is raging in our life, our desire should be to glorify the Lord and lift up Holy Hands unto him. As a Christian we need a relationship with God to survive, we need to be able to say to Him, hold me father, though the storm is raging, I know I am safe in Your arms! Just as that little plant pushes it way through the hard ground, we should push our way through the raging storm to to get to God. God is our sunshine and rain that we need to survive. Yes it seems hard at times and even impossible, but God is holding out His hand and saying "Come Unto Me."
We are much like the plant, as it is rooted so firmly in the ground, we should be as strongly rooted in the Lord. The little plant doesn't let a lot of pavement stop it from pushing its way through to the sunlight and rain. A lot of times though, we as Christians, myself included, allow the storm to take us under and wonder where was God in all of this. The storms pulls us away from God instead of holding fast to His hand and making the root that much stronger in Him! I am ready to be that little plant and push through the hardships, so my root becomes that much stronger in the Lord! My roots are planted firmly in the Lord, that no storm or anything else Satan or this world has to throw at me, can pull me away. Praise the Lord!